Christy Moore and Declan Sinnott in concert at Glasgow's most cherished venue - the Barrowland, this concert captures the unique atmosphere, all the banter between Christy and the crowd and some truly great music.  The resulting DVD is now on sale from Christy's web site.

Christy writes" I am particularly happy with this piece of work. I have long wanted to capture the Barrowland phenomenon. Some years ago I set out to make this film but I got distracted and sidetracked, this diversion resulted in the "Live at the Point" being recorded 3 years ago. With "Come call you Dreamers" now finished and available I feel that the work we have been doing is "marked" and recorded. In years to come, when all this is over and done, when the guitars have been put away, this DVD will carry the record of what a Christy/Declan gig was like... not precisely for no medium can match "real"reality...."

It was an honour for us - something we had long wished to do.

Here's a wee taster:  No time for love



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