Tha e ainmeil mar sgrobhaiche nobhail, deilbh chluich agus mar bhard, ach chaneil slighe Chaoimhinn MacNeill an comhnuidh re. Ach se dubhlan sonraichte a thug e dha fhein nuair a roghnaich e slighe eile a ghabhail - air da chuibhle, sios taobh an Danube.

Internationally renowned poet, bestselling novelist, acclaimed playwright, celebrated lyricist and all-round itinerant writer Kevin MacNeil has been on a voyage of discovery ever since he decided to move to Shetland and become a hermit. Ready now to face the world, he undertakes the most challenging journey of his life - facing up to himself, facing up to a huge physical task, and facing up to life's big questions as he cycles the Danube.



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